10 Steps For Choosing The Right Gate Closers
Gate closers convert manual driveway gates into automatic gates. This article explains how you can transform manual gates into fully automatic gates by choosing the right gate automation system.
Why are electric gates that use automatic gate closers better than manual gates?
Electric gates that use automatic gate closers are more convenient than manual gates. This is because they operate at the touch of a button. You don’t need to push them open and pull them closed when electric gate motors move them for you.
They also provide added security because they automatically close once someone has safely passed through.
After a while, manual gates can get to be too much bother, so they’re left open. Automatic gates are always closed unless someone is using them.
Now you know why automated electric gates are much better than manual gates. But how do you choose the right gate automation system?
Here are the ten key questions to ask to make sure you’ve got the right automatic gate closers.
What do automatic gate closers give you?
Self-opening gates at the entrance to your driveway remain closed until you need to open them. You do this from the comfort of your car or on foot at the touch of a button on a remote control, keypad or egress button. They make your life so much easier, and if you’re inside your car, you stay dry when it’s raining, warm when it’s cold and cool when it’s hot.
Because they are always closed unless they’re in use, automatic gates also provide a degree of security. Obviously, a burglar could climb over electric gates. But could they also climb back over them with their plunder? If there’s a house nearby that has no gates, the burglar is much more likely to choose the easier target.
Where are your gates installed?
Automatic gates are usually installed across the entrance to your driveway between pillars or posts. Sometimes gates are installed some way up a longer driveway closer to the house. This is usually done to allow the gates to open outwards.
Swing gates might need to open outwards if there is a rising driveway behind them. If the gates open inwards, they will eventually hit the ground where it rises.
If gates at the edge of a property open outwards, they move onto public land which can be obstructive and possibly dangerous.
How will your gates move as they open and close?
Swing gates hang on hinges at the side of the driveway. So, a pair of swing gates meet at the middle of your driveway when they close. A single swing gate hinges from one side of the driveway and closes onto a pillar or post on the opposite side. As they open and close, swing gates sweep across the driveway in a (usually) 90 degree arc of a circle. This area has to be clear of parked cars, plants, corners of walls etc for the gates to operate.
A sliding gate moves across the entrance to your driveway on wheels that run along a track. These gates clear the driveway entrance when open, so they need enough room on one side of the driveway to slide into.
The gate closers used to operate swing gates are different from those that move sliding gates. Also, you usually only have a single sliding gate with one gate closer. Swing gates come in pairs more often and need a gate closer for each gate leaf.
How big do your self-opening gates need to be?
Any gate or gates must fill the space between your posts or pillars. If they don’t the closed gates will not completely block the driveway entrance.
A sliding gate is wider than the driveway entrance so that each end of the closed gate sits behind the back of one gate pillar.
Swing gates hang on hinges mounted on posts or pillars. These can be on the outside (for outward opening gates), inside or back of the posts. But this means that automated gates mounted on the back or front of gate posts or pillars must be longer than those mounted on the inside of the same posts or pillars.
What style of gates is best?
This depends on your preferences for colours, materials and liking for modern or contemporary styles. But it is important to consider the design of your home and the houses surrounding it on your street. There’s no point going for modern gates it you live in a cottage. Similarly, if you select traditional gates for an ultra-modern home it’s unlikely to look right.
What gate closers do you need?
Sliding gates all use the same style of gate closers. These are fixed to the ground off to one side of the driveway entrance. A rotating cog on the motor output shaft meshes with a toothed rack mounted on the inside of the gate. As the cog turns, it moves along the rack so the gate rolls along the track laid between the gate pillars or posts.
Swing gates are automated with a variety of gate operators. The biggest difference is between motors installed above ground level and underground gate closer systems. Above ground motors include articulated arm, ram, linear screw and in-post automatic gate closers. These mount on or inside the gates post, pillar or wall the swing gate is hung on. Then the motor output arm is attached to the gate.
Undergrounds are more discrete than other automatic gate closers. This is because they’re installed in foundation boxes underneath each swing gate’s hinges. This means that only the foundation box lid and the gate motor arm are visible. The latter sticks out of a hole in the former and is attached to the base of the gate.
Who will install your gate closers?
If your driveway is wide enough to drive a car through, it needs a large gate or pair of gates to fully block it off. Large gates are usually quite heavy and heavy gates need a lot of force from strong motors to open and close them.
So, strong gate closer systems impart a lot of force to heavy gates. Therefore, they must be installed by qualified professionals who install safe gate automation systems.
Who will keep your automatic gates working smoothly?
Regular maintenance of any machinery keeps it working smoothly and gate automation systems are no exception. Ideally, the professional gate technicians who designed, built and installed the gates will use their familiarity with the system to keep it working at its best.
What happens if the gate motors stop working?
Gate closer issues need to be dealt with quickly. they could be damaged by careless drivers or suffer component failure if they aren’t well maintained. Again, your first call should be to the professionals who installed the gate system. They are the best people to get to the bottom of any breakdown and fix the problem.
You will have to find a local gate installer who can diagnose and fix gate breakdowns if you don’t know who installed the gate automation system. Never try and fix your own gates unless you are a qualified gate automation engineer.
How safe are automatic gate closers?
Powerful electric motors move heavy gates in most gate automation systems. These can be dangerous if the system is not designed well and installed safely.
However, you reduce these risks to a minimum with well designed and carefully installed automatic gate closers that are operated as prescribed and maintained to an agreed schedule.
But we don’t recommend that you install a gate automation system yourself or that you hire an electrician, landscape gardener or builder to install your new gate operators.
Unfortunately some gate installers remove safety devices like photocells, guarding and safety edges from a quote if their first price is too high. So, never accept a quote from someone who is willing to make your gates less safe in order to get hired to do the job.
A diligent and conscientious gate automation installer won’t sacrifice safety. They will work with you to modify the gate design and materials, motor choices, and the extent of any groundworks to get the price right for your budget.
If you’re in North London, West London or South London or any of the surrounding counties, contact Electric Gate Repair London and we will be able to help install, repair or service any gate automation system. Call 0800 195 1470 or email info@egrl.co.uk now.